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DB21∕T 3384-2021 空气源热泵系统工程技术规程

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DB21∕T 3384-2021 空气源热泵系统工程技术规程
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Technical Specification of Air Source Heat Pump System Engineering

Publication Date: 2021-02-28

Implementation Date: 2021-03-28

Jointly issued by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Liaoning Province and the Market Supervision Administration of Liaoning Province


According to the "Notice on Issuing the Local Standard Revision Project Plan for Engineering Construction in Liaoning Province in 2018" (Liaoning Construction Science [2018] No. 6), Shenyang Architecture University, together with relevant units, formed the drafting group for this specification. The drafting group referred to domestic and foreign technical documents and related standards, conducted in-depth investigations into the use of air source heat pump systems, extensively solicited opinions from relevant departments, and based on research, analysis, scientific experiments, and summarization of engineering practices, prepared this specification.

This specification consists of 9 chapters and 3 appendices. The main technical contents include:

  1. General provisions
  2. Terminology
  3. Basic provisions
  4. Design of air source heat pump domestic hot water system
  5. Design of air source heat pump HVAC system
  6. Electrical and control system design
  7. System construction and equipment installation
  8. Commissioning and acceptance
  9. Maintenance and management

This specification is managed by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Liaoning Province, and the specific technical content interpretation is the responsibility of Shenyang Architecture University. If there are any suggestions for supplementation or modification during use, please send the relevant materials to the Planning and Architectural Design Institute of Shenyang Architecture University (Zip Code: 110015; Address: No. 9-10 Jia, Jianyuan Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang City; Email: zlclicheng@sina.com) or the Department of Building Energy Conservation and Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Liaoning Province (Zip Code: 110011; Address: No.2 Taiyuan Street, Heping District, Shenyang City; Email: Insjstkjc@163.com) for reference during revision.

Publisher: Shenyang Architecture University

Co-publisher: Shenyang Architecture University Planning and Architectural Design Institute, China Architecture Northeast Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shenyang Anxin Automation Control Co., Ltd., Shenyang Regional Climate Center, Qingdao University of Technology Architectural Design Institute, Shenyang Shengshi Emerging Gree Electric Appliance Sales Co., Ltd., Shenyang Huayu Ground Source Heat Pump Heating Co., Ltd., Daikin (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang Engineering Institute, Shenyang Saisi Environmental Engineering Design and Research Center Co., Ltd., Jinzhou Heat Group Co., Ltd.


Chief Editor: Zhang Licheng

Contributors: He Xin, Sun Wenzhang, Jin Peng, Zhou Dongxu, Wang Dajun, Zhang Qiaoyi, Ding Junde, Chen Yue, Zhang Qiushi, Zhang Heng, He Yongchun, Zhang Ying, Guo Yongwu, Zhang Dazhi, Dong Lei, Xu Youning, Tong Enlai, Cheng Mingyuan, Liu Jun, Yuan Yashu, Ye Youlin, Wu Nana, Gao Zhijun, Tang Yu, Yu Yang, Zhang Shuang, Yang Hui, Liu Guijun, Xing Fang, Guo Quan, Liu Zihao, Song Xiaomeng, Luan Lan, An Yu, Zhang Xin, Fang


Wang Qinghui, Ma Liming, Sun Zhicheng, Zhao Li, Wang Kewei, Sun Shengjin, Liu Xintong

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