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BS 6262-1982 Code of practice for glazing for buildings

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BS 6262-1982 Code of practice for glazing for buildings
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BSI BS:626282■16246b902436452■BS6262:1982

UDC698.3 @British Standards Institution. No part of this publication may be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without the prior permission in writing of BSI.

British Standard Code of practice for Glazing for buildings (Formerly CP 152)

Vitrages de batiments - Code de bonne pratique

Leitfaden fur das Verglasen von Gebauden

British Standards Institution

Copyright by the British Standards Institution

Mon Jul2414:50:272000

BSI BS6262:1982




Dimensional recommendations for Cooperating organizations Back cover glazing with plastics glazing sheet materials 49

Width of rebate or groove 49

Code of practice 8.2

Depth of rebate or groove 8.3

Edge clearance 51


Edge cover

Nibs for H-type structural gaskets 2

References 38.6

Setting and location blocks 8.7

Distance pieces 51

Definitions 39

Glazing and fixing techniques for glass 514

Design and performance 59.1

General 4.1

Introduction 9.2

Rebate preparation 4.2

Initial constraints 9.3

Glazing into rebates and grooves 54.3

Glazing system 69.4

Glazing over a nib with structural gaskets 4.4

Natural lighting 69.5

Internal glazing 64

Thermal considerations 64.6

Sound 4.7

Safety 7710

Glazing and fixing techniques for plastics glazing sheet materials 644.8

Security 4.9

Fire 10.1

General 4.10

Durability 10.2

Rebate preparation 4.11

Wind loading 10.3

Glazing into rebates (without beads) 64

Glazing into rebates (with beads) 64

Maintenance (including reglazing after occupation) 10.4

Sealants 64

Cutting of plastics glazing sheet materials 64

Performance of glass and sealing materials 64

Fixing with bolts and screws to non-plastics materials 64

Constraints 5.3

Descriptions of materials and systems 10.9

Fixing small panes 66

Internal glazing 66

Handling, storage and care on site 66

General 66

Safety on site 5.9

Fire 27

Storage and care of glass on site 66

Durability 27

Handling and storage of plastics glazing sheet materials on site 67

Cleaning and maintenance 12

Large openings with structural glass assemblies 67

Glazing of display windows using glass fins 67

Suspended glazing with annealed glass 86.1

Toughened glass suspended assemblies 68

Constraints 38

Description of materials 3

Frameless doors and entrances 71

Natural lighting 13.1

Toughened glass 71

Thermal considerations 39

Frameless plastics doors 76.6

Sound 6.7

Safety 40

Mirrors 71

Glass mirrors 71

Plastics mirrors 71

Security 40

Fire 14.1

Durability 14.2

Strength to withstand uniform loading 41

Information 72

The information stages 7

Dimensional recommendations for glazing with glass 47

Building site conditions 7.1

Width of rebate or groove 41

Materials and processes 74

Depth of rebate or groove 15.6

Building owner's manual 74

Nibs for H-type structural gaskets 48

Setting and location blocks 48

Copyright by the British Standards Institution Mon Jul2414:51:462000


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